Lando configuration

The advice here will likely contradict some of the other Lando documentation on this site. All the Lando usage and configuration docs need reviewing and this page should be incorporated into these at that time.

Lando configuration

The basic Lando file for each site should contain enough for someone to run and work on the site with just a lando start. This means it can contain stuff that is not always needed.

An example starter Lando file for a Drupal 10 site can be seen here

By default we include the following services:

If projects include tests running JavaScript they may include a chromedriver or other services necessary for testing the site.

Sites using Solr will have one or more solr services.

The only services that are required to run a LAMP site are the appserver and database services. Although it's recommended that mailhog is used to ensure any emails sent from the site are caught.

If you don't need / want any of the extra services, it's possible to use a Lando override file to disable services and tooling you don't need.

This can be done by creating a .lando.local.yml file in the gitroot, ensuring this file has been git ignored. The adminer and node services can the be disabled with:

  adminer: disabled
  node: disabled

Lando build steps

It's possible to install extra software into a Lando container using Build steps. This sort of thing can be hard to maintain and so, ideally, build scripts should be avoided, but sometimes it is necessary to install extra software to match the production environment.

If you need to add build scripts, please ensure there are comments to make it clear:

In some cases you may want to do more than 1 or 2 lines of build code. In these cases consider a well commented script added the a .lando directory or consider using a custom Dockerfile.

XDebug and VSCode

If you use VSCode you'll need to add some extra config to get XDebug working.

For an example of how to get this setup, have a look at Zephyr.

Docker best practices

Docker takes up a lot of space as it caches everything. When you have lots of Lando sites setup on your computer it can use a lot of disk space and due Docker's indescrimate caching, much of this might not be needed any longer.

On Linux, if the Docker directory (\var\lib\docker) is left on the root partition it can grow to the point where consumes all the available disk space. If not addresses this can cause Linux to crash and the only way to fix it will be to boot into a recovery shell and delete stuff to free up enough space to allow Linux to boot.

If you have a large enough disk the Docker directory can be mounted into it's own partition or it can be moved onto the \home partition. See (Linux laptop setup)[./] for more information on this.

Whatever you've done with the Docker directory, it will need regularly pruning. To clean up cached stuff run:

docker system prune --all

If this doesn't free up enough space it may be necessary to delete volumes as well.

The following command will delete all your Lando databases so ensure that if you need stuff in these they are backed up first.

To delete all the docker data, including volumes with databases on, and free up the most amount of space run:

docker system prune --all --volumes

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